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Best Products for Baby Bath Time

Oh, bath time. When I just had one kiddo, it was actually enjoyable to bathe her regularly and relatively drama-free. My oldest loved to play in the water and only cried about getting out or pooped in the bathtub occasionally. Enter second child. Enter extreme sleep deprivation and being overwhelmed. All the sudden bath time wasn't so much fun anymore.

9 months into being a mother of two, I can say with confidence that bath time is more like the bath time I used to love and cherish - enjoyable! But not without the help of a handful of products that really make bath time more enjoyable and safe for both me and my sweet little angels.

As a mom, I'm constantly looking for products that make my life easier and keep my kids safe. 

Without further adieu, here are some of the best (in my opinion) products for bath time! (disclaimer: some of the links provided are affiliate links, which will result in a small amount of compensation to help fund my freelance writing efforts if clicked on and used to assist in any purchasing via Amazon)

1. BBCare® Non-Slip Safety Play Seat with Extra Long Play Mat (Blue_Whale) - This has been integral to success in bathing my two children together in a regular-sized tub. I was previously bathing them both together in my big-girl tub, with my 9 month old in her baby bathtub inside the big-girl tub (and effectively taking up 3/4th of the tub space, leaving my 2.5 year old a small amount of space to move around. This play seat has suction cups on the bottom and attaches to a play mat that fits perfectly in the bathtub. So with this, the 9 month old can sit with some additional support and there is plenty of space in the tub for my other child. (additional disclaimer: AS ALWAYS, don't ever leave your kiddos in the bathtub alone, but especially not a kiddo that is DEPENDENT on a play seat to sit up safely.)

2. Boon Flo Water Deflector and Protective Faucet Cover with Bubble Bath Dispenser,Blue - If you have a wild child like I do, and you DON'T have a faucet cover, then you know how the faucet is a sharp little magnet for the top of your kiddo's noggin. This awesome faucet cover protects your kiddos head, but it also serves as a water deflector so your kiddos can get their hair wet or rinse the stuff out of their hair easier AND a bubble bath dispenser. Seriously, one of the best inventions ever.

3. Skip Hop Moby Waterfall Bath Rinser - This is a great thing for kids of all ages, until they are old enough to close their eyes, hold their breath and rinse their hair themselves under the faucet! The rubber siding along the rim of this rinser molds to your kiddos forehead so you can rinse their hair without getting the sudsy water in their eyes. This comes in big-time handy, because whoever said all those shampoos were actually "tear-free" are lying!!! (from my experience anyway)

4. Munchkin Secure Grip Bath Caddy - This is a public service announcement: ALL of those toy storage bags or bins that require you to suction anything to your bath tub walls DO NOT WORK. I cannot tell you how many millions of times those suckers (pun NOT intended) fell off their little spot on the bath tub wall, spilling toys everywhere. This is why I love the bath caddy from Munchkin. Not only does it NOT require suction cups, but it has little holes that will help your bath toys drain out. No one likes mildew-y toys, no one!

5. Munchkin Caterpillar Spillers Stacking Cups - While we are on the subject of toys, I'm a big fan (no surprise here) of educational bath toys. So, I love these stacking cups that can second as bath rinsers if you are in a "soap-in-my-eyes!" situation and your trusty waterfall bath rinser is not within your panicked reach. Also, they drain completely -- no nastiness here -- UNLIKE those very cute but very GROSS (when they have water stuck in them) squirt toys you can get for the bathtub. Those squirt toys WILL end up on the opposite end of your child's mouth, and your child WILL suck nasty mildew-y water into their mouth and digest it. Gross. Throw ALLLL those squirt toys out!

So, there you go. My favorite products for a fun, safe and organized bath time for the littlest people in your life. Hope you love it!

What are your favorite bath products for your kiddos???


  1. Holy crap--that faucet cover. You saved my life. I got that whale thing (came very highly recommended pretty much everywhere) but my faucet is too close to the wall so it was basically a waste of like $15 :( Now that I know this product exists--EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT NOW.

    1. Ha! Yay! I'm glad I helped open your eyes! 😳❤️❤️❤️

  2. Thanks for the advice! When did you stop using the infant tub for your LO? Ella is 3 months and I don't think my 4Moms one is going to fit her much longer...

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