Of course I'm writing this 30 weeks into pregnancy #2! Way to look into the future and plan ahead there, gal! And while the title is a little dramatic, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have the thought here and there, on a particularly trying day, of "what the hell am I getting myself into?" Now, I LOVE my daughter. I absolutely love her from head to toe. She is 19 months worth of spunk, sass and independence. She is to the point to where we are both sleeping through the night with the exception of sickness or teething episodes, she has moved her wake up time from 5:45 AM (seriously?) to a more reasonable time of 7-7:45 AM, and she has several words under her belt to help communicate what her baby self must have now. We are still working on things like not hitting mommy, patience, and not power struggling me during every single activity from diaper change to meal time. I do work part-time, which I have come to stress about increasingly as my pregnancy belly...
real talk about kids, food and being a grown-up.