Hey guys! If real world relationships weren't complicated enough, now the world of Facebook has made things even more complicated . YAY. I spend a lot of time thinking about Facebook and how it's emergence in 2004 has completely changed the way we interact with people. I was about to say "the way we interact with loved ones" but then I realized that I have approximately 600 friends on there, and this is after a major "friend" deletion, and many of these people I do not love. (Some I do, so don't get your feelings hurt, people.) Thus, the topic of this post. I have, several times, attempted to widdle down this friends list. But... it gets complicated. I have issues. A friend deletion is serious business. What if you see them somewhere? Awkward. And there are so many types of Facebook friends, and each plays a role, a purpose if you will, in the world of Facebook. Family. Duh. Parents. Sisters, brothers, cousins. Aunt, uncles. Maybe nephews and ni...
real talk about kids, food and being a grown-up.